UrbanismReparcellation Projects

The urban planning management of the PAU13 performance area in Vic is completed

GMG 20/07/23

This June, the rezoning project of the PAU13 Action Park “Carretera de Roda, 1” in Vic was registered in the Land Registry, the last step in the urban management started two years ago, which will allow the start of the execution of the urbanization works. The urbanization project for this area, commissioned to GMG and carried out with the collaboration of Óscar Inglada, road engineer, and the rezoning project, drawn up by GMG with the legal advice of Ignasi Agulló, lawyer, were definitively approved last March, after the corresponding period of public information. This is an area of unconsolidated urban land with a potential for 53 homes, 16 of which are officially protected, half of which correspond to the City Council as a transfer of urban use. The assignment of a square and the roads adjacent to the new homes is also planned, as well as their urbanization. The urbanization project envisages the continuation of the road from Carrer Manuel Galadies to Carrer Teodor de Mas through the area, as well as a square located in the corner between Carretera de Roda and this projected road, which is treated as a rest area, landscaped and permeable. Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) are also incorporated, which enhance the management of urban runoff at source, contributing to strengthening the principles of European legislation: improving the state of water bodies, protection against floods and periods of drought, adaptation and mitigation of the impact of climate change, reduction of energy consumption in the urban water cycle and reinforcement of the values of Water and Green Spaces.

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