UrbanismPE Santa Margarita y los MonjesPlan especial energías renovables

The special plan to regulate photovoltaic installations on non-urbanizable land in Santa Margarida and les Monjos is approved

GMG 23/07/24

Last March, the Penedès Territorial Planning Commission definitively approved the special urban planning plan for the regulation of the conditions for the implementation of photovoltaic renewable energy installations on non-developable land, in Santa Margarida and the Monks The objective of the plan is to guarantee the implementation of renewable energies, necessary to achieve a sustainable ecosystem, but at the same time to achieve a correct environmental and landscape integration, and to regulate these facilities urbanistically to preserve heritage values and their coherence with the territory . To do this, the plan starts from an exhaustive analysis of the different vectors that can condition the correct implementation of this type of facilities: visibility, ecological connectivity, natural values, heritage elements, roads, agrological capacity of the land, etc. Based on this analysis, the special plan determines a series of regulatory conditions that determine which areas of the municipality are suitable, not suitable or conditioned for the implementation of photovoltaic energy installations. In the case of Santa Margarida and les Monjos, a large part of the municipal area is within the Natura 2000 Network (Parc del Foix), and therefore does not support this type of facilities (except when they are for self-consumption), but all and thus, the areas that end up being considered suitable after the detailed analysis of all the variables, are sufficient to guarantee that the present and future expected energy needs can be covered from renewable sources.

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