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GMG carries out the project for the exceptional extension of the Neighborhood Plan of the old town of Berga

GMG 21/02/13

The municipality of Berga was the beneficiary of the aid of the Law of Neighborhoods in the second call presented in 2005, for the improvement of the old town. Due to the complexity of the actions, the financial difficulties for the investment in works and the difficulties of the City Council to deal with its own investments, in December 2011 a large part of the budget was still left to execute.

Thus, he chose to request the exceptional extension of Decree 53/2012, of 22 May, of the Department of Territory and Sustainability, in order to extend the term of the project up to a maximum of four more years.

The Diputació de Barcelona commissioned GMG Plans i Projectes, which had already drafted the Comprehensive Intervention Project (PII) in 2005, to draft the proposal for the exceptional extension with the main premise of maintaining the initial criteria and objectives of the PII and the awarded budget.

The main change introduced with respect to the initial project is the increase in the budget for equipment, in order to concentrate the effort on the construction of the civic center and to solve the situation of abandonment of the municipal market building by establishing the foundations for the construction of a market that meets current requirements and conditions.

At the same time, the budget for economic and social revitalization programs is increased to contribute to the improvement, modernization and consolidation of commerce and to create an attractive and dynamic shopping center, preventing the escape of businesses to other parts of the municipality.

The main actions to improve accessibility and public space initiated are completed and some of the secondary ones are reformulated or eliminated in order to strengthen the perimeter roads and improve access to the neighborhood, thus ensuring the permeability of the neighborhood from its perimeter and taking advantage of the proximity of the center with areas of transformation that will generate new free spaces and equipment. At the same time, the internal accessibility of the neighborhood is strengthened and certain routes are completed.

Regarding the rest of the fields of action, it is proposed to complete the pending actions, with small adjustments and to promote the improvement of existing constructions, listed buildings, the level of urbanization and networks of urban planning services in order to increase urban quality.

The project has been carried out with the support and supervision of the Department of Housing, Urbanism and Activities Services, of the Provincial Council of Barcelona.

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