
GMG participates in the III Masia and Territory Congress 2024

GMG 17/04/24

From March 13 to 16, 2024, the III Masia and Territory Congress was held: “The complexity of the new challenges. The opportunity of the new systems », organized by the ICEA, at the headquarters of the Institute of Catalan Studies. For GMG it has been an honor to be able to participate in the organization of the blog “La masia i l’Administración”, a very controversial topic due to its complexity. Although urban planning legislation has recently been expanding the possibility of admitting new uses to farmhouses, in practice there are often requirements from a heritage or environmental point of view that make it difficult to carry out the actions proposed by the owners. The round table of this blog, moderated by Joan Badia (GMG), had the participation of Xavier Rehues, deputy general director of Urban Coordination (Generalitat de Catalunya), Lupe Serraima, urban planning manager of the GSHUA (Diputació de Barcelona ) and Josep Rosàs, member and member of the Monumenta Board (owners of farmhouses). In the debate, the different visions and the difficulties in being able to develop projects in the farmhouses on non-developable land were made clear, but at the same time progress was made towards a common space that would make it possible to intervene in these buildings to guarantee their conservation and that of the your environment Just as sustainability is defined from an environmental, social and economic perspective, actions in the farmhouses must respond simultaneously to heritage, environmental and economic viability criteria if we want to guarantee their preservation and maintain their activity. When these three variables cannot be answered, the farmhouse and its surroundings are abandoned, and the least desirable result is obtained from all three points of view. Apart from this topic, the congress dealt with the main issues that affect the rural world from a transversal perspective, with the participation of experts in each of the fields: demography, innovation, rehabilitation, the landscape, the rural tourism, renewable energies, the economy or climate change, among others. We would like to thank the organization of the congress for inviting us to participate and congratulate it for the results achieved. We are convinced that these events, with such an intense and multidisciplinary program, give a boost to management and initiatives linked to the territory, and contribute to a more comprehensive vision that moves us towards a better scenario.

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