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Winter outing. We return to the refuge of the Island

GMG 17/04/24

Last February 9 and 10, the GMG team went out to trample snow. Like last year, we went to the refuge of the Island, 2,488m, in Andorra. This time, however, we left from Grau Roig and went up the lakes of Pessons. It started snowing right at the start but luckily the forecast didn’t come true. The fog lifted and we even got some sunshine. This allowed us to enjoy the spectacular snowy landscape of the Pessons circus. Arriving a few meters from the pass, the steep slope and the accumulation of snow made it advisable to change the snowshoes for crampons. Stopping to do this simple operation in the middle of a snowy shovel, with a steep slope, cold and wind, is uncomfortable. Since there was less than 100m of elevation gain to reach the pass, some chose to continue with their snowshoes. The result of this decision is that we suffered unnecessarily to do the last meters, where the shovel takes the maximum slope, having to invest almost an hour to overcome them. We learned our lesson. When it comes to security, it’s better to be sober than to be lacking, and you should always opt for the safest option. Once in the shelter, while it was snowing outside, seated by the fire with a hot dinner and glasses of wine, they began the stories of all the balances and vicissitudes experienced, which whenever they end well, end up making us laugh . The next day, he woke up covered, at -7Cº, windy and heavy snow. While having breakfast, seeing the accumulated snow from the whole night and having the weather against us, we decided to change plans and go down the Madriu valley, thus avoiding crossing the Montmalús pass where we would have been too exposed to the bad weather. The good decision gave us a beautiful descent, opening tracks in virgin snow for most of the 13 km way back. Arriving in Les Escaldes, a taxi accompanied us to pick up the cars in Grau Roig and then a good lunch to remember everything we’ve experienced and laugh again. We will continue to climb mountains!

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