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A GMG project wins the Endesa Grand Prize for the most sustainable property development 2011

GMG 17/01/12

The project of the architecture, urban planning, engineering and environment study GMG, corresponding to a building of 84 officially protected rental housing in Vic, has received the Grand Prize for the most sustainable real estate development of 2011, which Endesa calls annually within the scope of the Spanish State and that this edition has had the presentation of 76 projects. The building, promoted by the private company Cevasa-Teyco on Carrer Jaume Munmany in Vic, has been designed with the aim of obtaining the maximum “A” energy certification. To this end, the design of the building incorporates a high-performance external thermal insulation system, ventilation control, specific solar control design in the windows and balconies, cross ventilation, heating and domestic hot water production through a biomass boiler, and distribution of energy with instantaneous production for each home through electronically controlled substations and individual meters. The energy consumption for heating the building is estimated at around 37 kW-h/m² per year, which represents a 60% reduction on the current average for new residential buildings. The writing of the project and the direction of the work are in charge of GMG Plans i Projectes, the design and calculation of the facilities has been carried out by GMG Engineering and Environment, which has also controlled the “paybacks” of all energy efficiency measures that have been introduced in order to guarantee the economic sustainability of the development. The building is currently in the structural phase, and its completion is expected in August 2012. On October 20, the awards ceremony was held at the Barcelona Meeting Point.

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