The Catllar City Council initially approves the Partial Plan for sector 40
The Local Government Board of March 25, 2021 of the Catllar City Council agreed on the initial approval of the partial plan for sector 40 “Llevant de Pau Casals” and its public exhibition. It is a partial plan whose purpose is to organize urbanistically an area of developable land in the core of Catllar, which must allow the construction of 30 homes, 11 of which will be protected, the creation of a new public open space, and a new terrain of equipment. The new square is located in the most central part of the sector, close to the town’s already consolidated buildings and the more compact type of officially protected housing. The rest of the single-family homes are located in the most peripheral area, generating a gradation from higher to lower density, and favoring a better landscape integration. The new streets in the sector will allow a new connection of the core with the T‐203 road, linking and completing the urban fabric of the municipality, with traffic calming criteria that favor active mobility.