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The Avanç de POUM de Collbató goes on public display

GMG 09/10/12

On June 18, 2012, the Collbató City Council meeting approved the Advancement of the Municipal Urban Planning Plan, drawn up by GMG with the support of the Housing, Urbanism and Activities Management of the Council of Barcelona.

Collbató is a municipality with a strategic location and a privileged environment, with outstanding elements of natural and heritage interest, presided over by the mountain of Montserrat. These environmental and landscape conditions and its good communication and proximity to the Catalan capital have in recent years attracted a significant number of new families who have settled in the municipality in single-family homes, especially isolated ones, resulting in extensive land consumption.

Avanç de Plan carries out an analysis and diagnosis of the physical, socio-economic and urban framework of the municipality and commits to objectives and criteria in these areas: 1) Curb the extensive occupation of urbanized land and break the isotropy of the urban fabric, committing to more compact growth and introducing more grouped and affordable housing types. 2) Structuring and hierarchizing the road network and providing it with greater functionality, solving access and connections as well as creating civic axes that allow linking the cores, free spaces and equipment and 3) Protecting land that cannot be built on and enhancing its structure and heritage value.

After evaluating different alternatives, the proposed initial planning envisages a contained growth of the municipality and focused mainly on some strategic areas of action where the intervention will lead to general improvements at the municipality level (with respect to mobility, the relationship of the nucleus with the environment , uses and activities, the structure of the urban fabric, etc.). These areas will be developed in more detail in more advanced phases of the POUM.

During the drafting phase of the POUM Advance, the citizen participation process was initiated, in charge of GMG Gestió i Participació Ciutadana, so that this would have a greater impact on the revision of the general planning. Participation was carried out through a previous phase of interviews with residents of the municipality, and three major phases (an informative one, several sectoral debates and a workshop open to all citizens, and a return phase) which they allowed the municipality to be involved in the Plan review process and, at the same time, to take into account the different results obtained in the definition of criteria, objectives and future strategies.

The document was in the public exhibition phase until last October 2 and citizens were able to make their contributions, which will be taken into consideration when starting the drafting of the document for the approval phase initial

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