UrbanismLlei de Barris

Drafting of the final evaluation report of the Neighborhood Plan of Santa Eugènia and Can Gibert del Pla, in Girona

GMG 09/09/11

GMG has developed a specific methodology that combines quantitative and qualitative methods in order to write the final evaluation report of the Neighborhood Plan of Santa Eugènia and Can Gibert del Plan and evaluate the results of the actions.

The municipality of Girona was the beneficiary of the aid of the Law of Neighborhoods in the second call presented in 2005. In accordance with Law 2/2004, on the improvement of neighborhoods, urban areas and towns that require special attention, a once the action is finished, a final evaluation report must be drawn up to incorporate the experience into the set of ongoing programs.

In the case of Girona, GMG technicians have used various methodologies and sources of information to obtain indicators and prepare the report: exploitation of statistical data, information from the files of the projects carried out, interviews to the agents involved, surveys, information sessions and debate with citizens, among others.

The report objectively evaluates the results of the actions from the perspective of urban and territorial functionality, economic and commercial structure, environmental implications, social cohesion and gender equity in the use of the territory.

It can be seen that the project has had a very high degree of completion, with 96% of the budget executed, and with a remarkable level of satisfaction, around 70%, although certain actions will have to wait for a longer period of time to be able to evaluate its impact. The work carried out has been consistent with municipal strategies, and an ability to adapt the project and its actions to reality and the times has been observed.

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