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Public space development works in Collbató and Montesquiu Castle

GMG 19/09/11

The projects, drawn up by GMG, aim to improve the environment of the Collbató Sports area and adapt access to the Montesquiu Castle grounds.

Last July, the works to improve access to Montesquiu Castle were completed, consisting of the adaptation of an adapted itinerary and the creation of a new entrance to the site. The project and construction management, commissioned by the Social Works of the Caixa de Pensions and the Diputació de Barcelona facilitates access for visitors from the parking area to the Castle building and the other buildings of equipment in the field. The intervention also plans to favor the relationship with the gardens that surround the castle.

The month before, another work with a similar objective, also designed by GMG, was completed in the municipality of Collbató. The object of the action has been the urbanization of the open space adjacent to the sports area to improve its accessibility and link the various pre-existing conditions (sports court, skate area, children’s games, bar…).

GMG had previously designed another public space in the same municipality, next to the Molí d’Oli, a square located in the old town that also serves as access to this facility.

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