UncategorizedModification POUM TerrassaUrbanism

Modification of urban planning in the Segle XX neighborhood of Terrassa

GMG 27/07/22

The 20th Century neighborhood of Terrassa is an area of the city formed at the beginning of the last century where homes and industrial buildings are juxtaposed, forming a dense urban fabric with few public spaces. The Terrassa POUM provided for several areas of transformation within the neighborhood, but in most cases with the aim of replacing the pre-existing industrial buildings with new blocks of multi-family housing. Terrassa City Council wants to rethink the urban planning of this neighborhood in order to maintain this distinctive character and enhance the value of several existing buildings, giving them new uses and generating new open spaces and facilities. With this aim in mind, the GMG team has drawn up a POUM Modification Advance which, based on analyzing the whole neighbourhood, proposes to modify mainly two areas that have a lot of potential for their transformation: The first, located between the Rambleta del Pare Alegre – the main entrance to the city – and Plaça del Segle XX, the heart of the neighborhood, aims to connect these two points, very close but very disconnected at the same time, by creating new free spaces and open blocks that allow circulation of pedestrians The second, an area still of an industrial character in the central part of the neighborhood, where innovative activities are beginning to emerge, in which an arrangement is proposed that allows the juxtaposition of different uses and typologies, preserving part of the old industrial warehouses. Overall, strengthen the neighborhood’s identity, highlight those aspects that have potential, in this case to attract new activities linked to technology, research and innovation, artistic or craft activities, etc. and at the same time gain new public spaces and more space for citizens. Various media have covered the news: Diari Terrassa, El Periódico, Món Terrassa, Terrassa Digital, Terrassa City Council.

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