Urbanismcentre comercial GlòriesModificació PGM

Modification of the PGM for the remodeling and expansion of the Glòries Shopping Center

GMG 09/10/12

GMG collaborates with L35 in the drafting of the Specific Modification of the Metropolitan General Plan for the remodeling and expansion of the Glòries Shopping Center in Barcelona. This plan has a double objective: on the one hand, to renovate the current shopping center, improving connections with the environment, creating new premises, and redesigning the interior open spaces; and on the other hand, to achieve a new public space in the area of 22@ at the confluence between Àlaba and Sancho d’Ávila streets.

A comprehensive renovation of the Glòries Shopping Center is being planned, after fifteen years of operation, which will change both its exterior and interior spaces, and above all its relationship with the environment, as it is one of the areas of the city that most has been transformed during this period and that, with the future redevelopment of Plaça de les Glòries, will still continue to change.

The PGM Modification was initially approved last July 16 by the Urban Habitat Commission of Barcelona City Council.

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