ArchitectureMostra d’arquitectura

The Mostra d’arquitectura Catalana selects the GMG project “The Yellow Nest”

GMG 17/04/24

Last April 3, the ceremony of the 9th took place edition of the Catalan architecture exhibition at the “La Coberta” boxing school, in Badia del Vallès. GMG’s project for THE YELLOW NEST’s new corporate headquarters has been one of the projects selected from among 82 works presented in the category of new-floor buildings for private development. We are very pleased with this distinction because not only has the capacity of the new building to regenerate its environment and improve the urban landscape been assessed, but also its determined commitment to enhancing energy and environmental efficiency in a tertiary office building . We want to share this recognition with the promoters of The Yellow Nest, who have truly set themselves the challenge of conceiving their corporate headquarters as a benchmark for sustainability, and thank them again for trusting GMG to develop their project.

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