ArchitectureEdificacióHabitatge protegit

GMG plans to complete 216 new homes between 2011 and 2012

GMG 27/09/11

Currently, GMG is managing the works of six housing buildings located in Terrassa, Vic, Canet de Mar and Matadepera and plans to start a seventh during the last quarter of 2011.

The projects drawn up by GMG are of private and public initiative, and include different types of promotion such as high-quality private housing, protected rent, endowment housing in 30-year land rights, protected rent in law of surface for 60 years, and the protected rent for 10 years with purchase option.

Despite the well-known difficulties that the economy and especially the real estate and financial sectors are going through, the construction of this set of buildings encourages us to continue working on proposals for new projects that cover demands so far neglected and that their promotion can provide economic profitability in the medium and long term.

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