ArchitectureEficiència EnergèticaSubvencions ICAEN

GMG obtains and manages three energy efficiency grants awarded by ICAEN

GMG 09/10/12

Within the framework of Generalitat resolution EMO/2854/2011 on energy efficiency and within the 2010-2015 Energy Action Plan, GMG has processed and obtained three grants to modify energy criteria for two industries in Vallès Occidental. These three actions are part of an ambitious investment plan aimed at energy savings that GMG is developing with these two prestigious companies.

It has been obtained in favor of Industria Relieves Egara, S.L. a subsidy to modify the thermal envelope of the roof of the production area. This action, executed 100% under the technical direction of GMG, has been developed from the installation of DECK-type modular plates of 8 cm insulation thickness and with a thermal transmittance of 0.26 W/ºCm2, over the existing sheet metal roof. With this intervention, the energy needed to air-condition the production area will be reduced by 45% and energy costs will be reduced by 25%.

However, a grant has been obtained in favor of Holding Vallescar to modify the thermal envelope of the roof and another for the interior lighting of the exhibition area of the MAVISA Sabadell vehicle dealership, actions already 100% executed. The first has been developed from the removal of the existing uralite cover since its construction and the installation of DECK type modular plates of 5 cm insulation thickness and a thermal transmittance of 0.38 W /ºCm2. This action will allow a 15% reduction in the energy needed to heat the area and a 10% reduction in energy costs. The grant to modify the interior lighting has been developed from the elimination of high-consumption halogen lamps and the installation of high-efficiency lamps with T-5 fluorescent lamps controlled by twilight sensors and dimmers intensity. With this intervention, energy costs will be reduced by 3%.

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