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The Master Plan for Sant Feliu de Llobregat facilities is presented

GMG 21/02/13

Since September 2012, Sant Feliu de Llobregat has had a Master Plan for the municipality’s facilities, drawn up by GMG with the collaboration and technical support of the Barcelona Provincial Council’s Facilities and Free Spaces Service. On February 16 this year, a session open to the public was held to publicize the Plan and subject it to debate, presided over by Mayor Jordi San José, a technician from the Provincial Council of Barcelona and the team of GMG.

The Plan is a planning tool that captures the current situation of the municipality’s facilities and the needs of its population. Through this analysis and diagnosis, a roadmap is drawn up to enhance the existing equipment and make a forecast at a strategic level.

Bearing in mind the socio-economic context and the municipal reality, economic efficiency, sustainability and the viability of the actions in accordance with the financial situation for the coming years have been considered as the main criteria.

Derived from the analysis and diagnosis, the Plan states that Sant Feliu de Llobregat does not have significant deficiencies that require the immediate construction of new equipment or the expansion of existing facilities. However, the municipality has sufficient land qualified in terms of urban planning equipment to meet the needs of the public in the medium and long term, as well as little-used constructed buildings that could accommodate more services or a restructuring of these.

Based on these criteria, the Sant Feliu de Llobregat Facilities Master Plan establishes the following objectives: 1) Structuring and structuring the network of facilities and open spaces in order to strengthen the city model and guarantee the coverage of citizen needs 2) Optimization of existing equipment with the aim of improving the quality of these and of the services provided. 3) Optimization of economic and patrimonial resources.

The strategies aimed at achieving these objectives are based, on the one hand, on covering the detected needs, on the other hand, on compliance with the main standards and finally on consistency in terms of viability and economic efficiency of the its development

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