EngineeringAuditoria EnergèticaEquipaments

GMG has carried out 8 energy audits of facilities in Barberà del Vallès

GMG 25/05/12

GMG, in collaboration with TECNO-ENERGY S.L., has carried out 8 comprehensive energy audits of facilities in the municipality of Barberà del Vallès. As part of the ICAEN call for the promotion of energy savings and efficiency, and within the process that Barberà del Vallès City Council is developing in order to make its facilities sustainable, audits have been carried out on the facilities following municipalities:

– “Esteve Paluzie” Municipal Library

– “Can Llobet” Municipal Sports Center

– “Elisa Badía” Primary School

– “del Bosc” Primary School

– CEIP “Can Serra2

– “La Blava” Kindergarten

– “La Rondalla” Kindergarten

– “Ca n’Amiguet” Civic and Social Center

These audits will allow the municipal administration to organize and program those actions or corrective measures that are viable and that allow, in total, to save close to 20% of the energy currently consumed. In the same way, it will allow, based on the implementation of a manual of good practices promoted by GMG, the development of the mechanisms so that each center, internally, is able to manage energy in the best possible way and thus contribute to the sustainability and viability of each piece of equipment.

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