UrbanismMemòria Social POUMParticipació Ciutadana

GMG presents the first results of the socio-economic study of the POUM of Castellar del Vallès

GMG 24/05/12

GMG management and participation participated together with the urban planning drafting team JornetLlopPastor and Igremap, engineering in charge of drafting the environmental report, in the second participation session of the commission of experts and professionals of the POUM of Castellar del Vallès. GMG presented the first results of the socio-economic study of the municipality which must serve as a basis for analysis and diagnosis of housing needs for the subsequent preparation of the POUM.

This study provides a reference and basic information for the planning and definition of the model, strategies and proposals of the Advancement of POUM in terms of future growth and dimensioning.

In a second phase, GMG will draw up the social report itself and will evaluate the reserves of protected and endowment housing provided for in the planning proposal, the mechanisms provided for obtaining the land, the temporary forecasts for implementation of these homes, the needs for rehousing, the expected equipment reserves, and the impact of the proposal depending on gender.

You can consult the interview conducted by L’Actual magazine by clicking on this link.

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