ArchitectureEficiència EnergèticaHabitatge Unifamiliar

GMG will build a high energy efficiency home

GMG 27/09/11

In the last quarter of 2011, GMG will start the construction of an isolated single-family house with high energy efficiency. The house will be built in Matadepera (Vallès Occidental) and has been designed applying construction principles and solutions according to German Passivhaus standards, which GMG was able to study during the training stay in Frankfurt last March.

The objective of the project is the economic amortization of energy efficiency in less than 10 years. Thus, considering that the climatic conditions of the location are less severe than those in Germany, the thermal load of the house has been increased from 15 to 22 KWh / m2 year and the geothermal system has been discarded for production of heating.

In this way it is possible to amortize the extra costs in the improvement of the continent of the house and in the specific installations in the proposed period.

It is expected that the 240 m2 home will consume energy equivalent to 430 liters of diesel per year or €430/year for heating, cooling and hot water production, with a total construction and development investment around €300,000.

The house with energy rating A will opt for a subsidy for energy efficiency from the Catalan Energy Institute (ICAEN) of around €10,000 which GMG will manage. After the construction of the house, GMG will carry out a process of monitoring the house to verify that the calculations provided are in line with the real consumption of the house.

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