ArchitectureEdificacióPromoció d’Habitatges

The works of a block of 16 homes designed by GMG in the Fupar-Fira sector of Terrassa are finished

GMG 29/05/12

The construction of a block of flats on Carrer Amadeu de Savoia, in Terrassa, facing the new Plaça de la Cooperativa, has been completed. This is the first block of housing in the action area PA-FUP01 FUPAR-FIRA, an area of urban transformation where the old industrial buildings have been replaced by residential land and public open space. GMG Plans i Projectes, which has taken over the construction management of the new building, had previously carried out the urbanization and rezoning projects for this area. The building has been promoted by Arrels CT Patrimoni i Projectes, SA and the works have been executed by the construction company Promotora Grabi, SL.

Es tracta d’una promoció de 16 habitatges de venda lliure de 2, 3 i 4 habitacions, de superfícies útils aproximades d’entre 60 i 100 m2. L’edifici comparteix dues plantes d’aparcament (en total 59 places i 18 trasters) amb la finca colindant sobre les quals, en una segona fase, es construiran 28 habitatges més. From the GMG team, special attention has been paid to the building’s sustainability criteria, working to provide the building with high efficiency and low energy consumption with the application to the facade of a system of ‘external thermal insulation (SATE) and solar control elements, among others.

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