
At GMG we firmly believe that sustainability - i.e. meeting present-day needs without compromising future generations - can only be achieved if we work towards this goal from every angle.

We are convinced that the three basic criteria of sustainable development - environmental, social and economic - must be taken into account at all stages of our work and at all levels:
On a territorial or city scale, when planning an urban development project, we take into account environmental criteria in the planning proposal (natural values, sustainable mobility, landscape integration, etc.), but also the social cohesion that must be ensured by facilities, open spaces, affordable housing, etc., and at the same time the economic viability and sustainability that must make this possible.

In an architectural project, we apply the same principles but on a different scale: on an environmental level, energy efficiency criteria and passive measures to ensure minimum consumption and emissions; on a social level, to achieve good neighborly relations and the well-being of users; on an economic level, to ensure maximum savings and minimum maintenance, which in turn also affects the cost of housing and therefore at the same time leads to a social improvement.

In engineering projects we also apply these principles -environmental, social and economic- on a more concrete scale, in the design of facilities, in risk prevention, in the comfort and health of people, in the costs of energy and other resources.
Sustainability Commitment
We understand that only by attacking the challenge of sustainability from all fronts will we be able to achieve our goals. Only if we all think about what we can do to improve, each in our own field of work, will we achieve a sustainable future.
We work for sustainability, to mitigate climate change, and to leave a better world for future generations.
Let's work together.
Contact Us

Get in touch with us and we will plan the best way to work together.
T. (+34) 93 786 92 45
Street Unió 1, 1º
08221 Terrassa (Barcelona)

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