UrbanisminfrahabitatgeOficina Local d’HabitatgeParticipació Ciutadana

Banyoles Local Housing Plan 2012-2017 approved

GMG 21/02/13

In December 2012, the Plenum of the Banyoles City Council initially approved the Local Housing Plan, drawn up by the multidisciplinary team of GMG Plans and Projects and with the collaboration of the Girona County Council.

The Plan, drawn up at a time of difficulties in access to housing and the policies surrounding it, has carried out an analysis and diagnosis based on the demographic analysis, the housing stock, the offer and the demand, of urban planning and municipal resources, which has contributed to making known and putting on the table relevant issues around housing in the municipality.

In this sense, the PLH proposes a series of specific objectives and strategies for the period 2012-2017 which are specified in:

  • Revise the general planning and draft a new POUM to adjust the urban reserves to housing needs.
  • Strengthen and expand the housing services currently provided by the local and regional housing office, in order to consolidate the office and have the appropriate management and dissemination tools.
  • Promote the optimization, conservation and rehabilitation of the existing park (new and old) through the application of mechanisms to encourage the transformation of empty homes or new homes pending sale as a rental offer and the definition of programs that reinforce the improvement of the most degraded areas in order to eliminate situations of sub-housing and anomalous use.
  • To seek the adequacy of the offer of social housing to the profile and needs of the demand in order to guarantee the management of the housing as well as the first and successive allocations of the social rental park.

Therefore, most of the actions focus on strengthening housing services, promoting the optimization and rehabilitation of the existing stock and ensuring that the supply of housing meets the needs of demand.

The GMG team has incorporated citizen participation during the preparation of the Plan, which took place in two information sessions following the progress document: one with opposition political groups and another open to the public in general in order to collect the contributions and incorporate them into the final document.

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