Modification of the PGM in the area of Can Coll, in Molins de Rei, finally approved.
The Urban Planning Commission of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, at its meeting on 5 October, gave final approval to the PGM Modification in the Can Coll area, drawn up by GMG on behalf of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona. This is an urban plan that transforms a very consolidated block, partly occupied by old industrial buildings and partly by residential buildings, giving rise to new open spaces and residential blocks crossed by pedestrian walkways that link up with the surrounding streets, Canal de la Infanta and Avenida Barcelona. The difficulty of this type of urban land transformation is often centred on finding the urban planning management mechanisms that make their development viable. It is often necessary to go backwards and forwards, fine-tuning the proposal at a detailed level until the planning fits in with a correct distribution of urban development uses and charges and ensures the good result of the operation. In this case, by combining two differentiated action polygons and isolated actions, it has been possible to adjust this management to the different situations and pre-existences, which has finally made it possible to successfully reach a proposal agreed by all the parties involved. At GMG we have always been committed to linking urban planning and management to ensure that the urban projects that are proposed can be executed. We believe that a good urban plan is only a good plan if it can actually materialise and improve a part of the territory.