UrbanismActius AdjudicatsAPGAEXPOSUELO

Implica and GMG participate in the first edition of EXPOSUELO

GMG 21/02/13

On October 25 and 26, 2012, Implica and GMG participated in the first edition of EXPOSUELO organized by the Asociación Profesional de Gestión de Adjudicados (apGA) and coordinated with the Salón de la Vivienda in the Convention Hall of the Casa de Campo de Madrid.

The EXPOSUELO fair, which was attended by more than 300 people, aims to be the first professional meeting point between land owners, potential buyers and real estate management professionals to work on the offer and existing land stock.

Implica and GMG made known through an exhibitor the different tasks they carry out in the matter of foreclosed assets: the management of buildings in the process of being paralyzed, the management of real estate companies, performing assets and singular assets in ruin, mediation for the ‘acquisition and urban management.

Parallel to the exhibition, a Professional Symposium took place in which Joan Badia, director of urban planning at GMG, took part in one of the presentations in order to provide the point of view of urban planning in land management adjudicated

For more information you can consult the following links:

Interview with Mario Blasco

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