Equipaments i Terciari


La Llar de l’ancianitat

Energy rehabilitation and expansion of a nursing home.


6.600 m2




Av. Abat Marcet 78, Terrassa, Barcelona


LaFACT Gent Gran


Baldó BSO


Del Rio Bani


Remodeling, enlargement and energy refurbishment of LaFact Gent Gran's head office

GMG won the ideas competition called by the Antigua Caixa Terrassa Foundation to tackle an ambitious project for refurbishing, enlarging and modernizing the old people's home built by the Obra Social de la Caixa d'Estalvis de Terrassa in 1949. This is the city's leading care home, with the largest capacity (more than 160 residents), prestige and historical trajectory. The work was to be carried out in phases without paralyzing the activity of the facility.


We intervened in the original building, providing it with more surface area and substantially improving its energy efficiency

In order to carry out the works with all the residents using the facilities, we had to build temporary rooms in the old assembly hall to accommodate the residents affected in each phase of the works, 8 in total. The part corresponding to the extension tries to be groundbreaking and modern but at the same time establishes a respectful dialogue with the historic building, which is more than 70 years old. This extension will provide more spaces for common use by the residents.


A completely renovated building in terms of services

All of the residential units and common areas have been renovated, as well as new dining and living areas, and new changing rooms for the care staff. The energy efficiency of the center has been improved by introducing thermal insulation in the facades and renovating all the facilities, in order to make the activity of the residence much more sustainable. The equipment is therefore adapted to current needs and this intervention will promote and consolidate one of the most important assets of the social work of the defunct Caixa d'Estalvis de Terrassa, now managed by LaFact Gent Gran.

The social character of this project makes it unique and special, especially for the inhabitants of a medium-sized city like Terrassa. The transformation, the improvement of the living conditions of the residents, of "our" grandparents, has been possible thanks to many efforts that have come together to achieve it.
We work for sustainability, to mitigate climate change, and to leave a better world for future generations.
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Get in touch with us and we will plan the best way to work together.
T. (+34) 93 786 92 45
Street Unió 1, 1º
08221 Terrassa (Barcelona)

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