Planejament urbanístic


Vapor Cortès

Modification of the urban improvement plan


7,11 ha




C/Federic Soler, Terrassa

Num. Houses



Junta de compensació sector Vapor Cortès


To transform an old industrial steam into a central area.

To make possible the transformation of a Sector defined in the POUM of terrace of 2003 as "central area of urban improvement", with a Plan of urban improvement approved in 2006 that had been stopped by unfeasibility (high urbanization charges, compensations, warehouses to conserve...).


Modifications in the planning and management mechanisms to make the action viable.

The causes that make the sector unfeasible are analyzed and a series of specific measures are proposed to initiate its implementation, focusing on various aspects of management, mobility, and redistribution of burdens among the owners.


A planning proposal that combines housing, old warehouses, facilities and open spaces, guaranteeing its implementation.

A new planning proposal is proposed that modifies the distribution of open spaces and facilities, makes the criteria for the conservation of the old warehouses to be conserved more flexible and adjusts the new uses to which they are destined, and compensating the high compensation for a greater allocation of land makes it possible for the sector to become viable.

Sustainable urban planning involves the recycling of urban land, without the need to occupy more land. In these cases, however, it is important to take into account the three variables of sustainability - environmental, social and economic - to ensure that the transformation is possible.
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