Planejament urbanístic


Can Colomer Sector

Partial Plan


49,86 ha




Avinguda de les Arts - Carretera de Rellinars, Terrassa, Barcelona

Num. Houses



Compensation Board


Berta Tiana Fotografia


Plan a major growth in the north of the city - 4,500 homes - in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way.

Define the planning of a sector of land for development with numerous pre-existences that condition its development: four streams and torrents, two catalogued farmhouses, road infrastructures, relief... A correct transition between the consolidated urban land and the rural environment (green ring) is valued.


To take into account the pre-existences and all the variables in the definition of the plan.

From the analysis of the conditioning factors, some general criteria are defined that respond to the will to be very respectful with the natural environment (affecting as little as possible to the topography, the wooded area, the streams and torrents) and with the historical heritage, concentrating the new buildings in the most suitable areas, and solving the connections with the rural roads of the environment, with the general road system, and with the adjacent urban fabrics.


A compact and integrated planning that frees up the maximum amount of public land.

Based on the superimposition of the above criteria, a zoning proposal is defined that concentrates housing and tertiary uses in the central part of the sector, connected to the main roads (B-40, Solivella road, Ronda de poniente) through a hierarchical system of avenues and streets. The building is structured in open blocks, with communal open spaces that link with public squares connected to each other by passages, until they connect with the two large urban parks with continuity with the surrounding rural land. Overall, taking into account the sector's facilities, more than 70% of the land is public.

Completing the last developable land in the city, knowing that it will no longer grow in extension, must be done guaranteeing a good relationship with the surrounding open spaces, giving continuity to watercourses, roads and forests, placing the building in a way that respects the environment.
We work for sustainability, to mitigate climate change, and to leave a better world for future generations.
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T. (+34) 93 786 92 45
Street Unió 1, 1º
08221 Terrassa (Barcelona)

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